Načerpejte sílu, naberte energii, otevřete si nové perspektivy, nadechněte se a inspirujte.
4 dny plné inspirace, zážitků, setkávání s druhými i sám se sebou. Se zkušenými průvodci a skupinou lidí, kteří řeší podobná témata jako vy.
2 dny dovolené,
které ovlivní dalších 20 let vašeho života
Více než 20 let pracujeme, vedeme týmy, stavíme byznysy,
minimálně dalších 20 let nás ještě čeká.
Kde brát energii?
Jak si druhou polovinu kariéry i života užít, nejen ji přežít?
Jak na dlouhý, spokojený a naplněný život ve zdraví?


Nová energie a konkrétní nápady, jak dál

Inspirace, teorie, klíčové otázky a řada tipů pro dlouhý spokojený život

Otevřené diskuze
s dalšími lidmi, kteří tématem žijí

Pohodové místo, letní atmosféra a kvalitní organické jídlo

Zkušení průvodci MMM a inspirativní hosté
our unique
5g concept
Prepare, self-assess, pre-read, get ready for the change and growth mindset
get clear
Know your core identity, purpose, and your best place
get vibrant
Recharge and manage your energies, build good habits and supporting competencies
get free
Create capacity, supporters and margin in your life to start the new journey
get going
Set goals, create your own action plan and take the first steps

Our unique 5G concept will guide you through your midlife transition utilizing a set of proven tools and transformation techniques.
You will learn how to manage yourself, your energy better, how to develop new mindsets and habits
Mornings: Meditations, sports, energy management workshops, guided 5G sessions
Afternoons: Philosophical discussions, individual and peer coaching work, collective discussions in mastermind setup, experiential activities
Evenings: Preparatory readings, splendid midlife book journaling, inspirational sessions with guests

Know what you want in the future and how to get it
Know more about yourself, your strengths, values, passions, and dreams
Clarify the story of your life and the key milestones
Discover your purpose and find a way to fulfill it
Clear direction and priorities
Learn how to change your mindset to focus on your priorities
Create habits shaped to your personality
Understand what brings you energy and what drains you
Learn how to work with your energy, live a wise healthy life, and where to go for the latest information
Learn to say no to things that don't serve you
Create a plan for the next decade of your life
Make new friends who will support you on the journey
Become a more conscious midlifer making more conscious decisions more often
Your personalized book of wonderful midlife with all the plans recorded

great venue
For all our retreats, we carefully select the places where we meet. We look for places full of harmony, associated with beautiful nature, quiet evenings, and spaces that invite you to meet others, as well as those where you can be alone with yourself and quietly reflect and balance your thoughts. We provide healthy and delicious food that can inspire a new way of life. In a group of like-minded midlifers in a beautiful place, every moment can be intense and full of peace and safety.

what is included in the price?
Libchavy 2023
VAT included
Refund guarantee after first weekend
39.000 CZK
Unique 4-month program
Materials and quests in advance and in between
2 intensive development sessions (2,5 days)
4 online workshops (2 hours)
All the educational materials
Tasty & healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner
All the fitness & meditation activities
Online mastermind session after approx. 2 months
Local transfers (if traveling by train)
Not included:
Accommodation in hotel
we have negotiated a discounted price for you (e.g. a single room 1.200 CZK per night, i.e. 2.400 CZK for the weekend); payment on the spot, directly to the hotel
Travel to/from the hotel
Tips and alcohol
we are forming a group for the next run
If you are interested in the program, want to join and the only thing you are waiting for is the date, apply. We will contact you to clarify expectations and possibilities. Once we have enough people interested, we will schedule the dates together. In the meantime, you can join our regular MMM INSPI sessions. You can also look forward to news from us, midlife-hacks, and other inspiration.
If you need to clarify anything, just email us at hello@modernmidlifementors.com
In case of any question, we are here for you hello@modernmidlifementors.com